Track Toy

Subject: Howard’s Lotus Elise

Wash and Shine


  • Washed

  • Removal of rubber marks on the PPF and paint

  • Removal of rubber clags from wheels

  • Build up removal around the PPF edges

  • Tires dressed

  • Old PPF removed from the headlights

  • Final shine with ceramic wax

My client tracks this car and it’s time to clean up for a possible sale.

It’s bright on this overcast morning

Bath time

Aftermath from doing laps at the racetracks


Behind the rear wheel


Left side before


Wax residue build up at the edges of the ppf


Front Bumper before

Something’s off with the headlights

Left side is cloudy

Removed the old PPF. It’s a thick PPF. Maybe it’s Laminex.

The adhesive aftermath.

The right side

Final pics

The Elise is smiling

Looks good in the salon